Pupil Voice
School Council
St Mary’s School Council is an active group of students from KS2 who have been elected to represent the views of all pupils to improve our school.
The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made within our school.
Our councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of the other pupils they represent.
The School Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run.
Members meet regularly with Miss Naylor.
Head Boy and Head Girl
The Year 6 children were invited to apply for the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl. We received a large number of applications and the following children were successful in being appointed to these roles:
Head Boy – Michael
Head Girl – Jessica
Deputy Head Boy – Callan
Deputy Head Girl – Belle
We hope that they wear their badges with pride and will do a sterling job being ambassadors for our school.
It is vital that ours future generation understand their to respect, protect, and preserve the natural world.
EcoKids are a team of children who raise eco-awareness at St Mary’s. They work together as a driving force within the school to raise awareness of environments, from global to individual classrooms.
Listed below are some ways that help to make our impact a little less noticeable on the environment around us.
• Each classroom is actively involved in recycling all the paper and cardboard waste.
• Turning off lights and heaters in spaces that are not being used.
• Developing garden or growing spaces around the school to encourage birds and other creatures.
• Use of our compost site.
• Turning off projectors when not in use.
• Closing doors behind us - especially in winter.
• Recycling used pens.
• Reducing our Carbo Footprint by walking, scooting and cycling to school.