All children are expected to wear school uniform – it gives them a sense of belonging. St Mary’s sweatshirts and t-shirts can be purchased from:
School Threads
School Threads is a local company based in Barnstaple, operating online only.
Website: www.schoolthreads.co.uk
Email: hello@schoolthreads.co.uk
On the School Threads website, the School Shop menu lists all available schools in alphabetical order.
When placing your order, you can either choose Royal Mail shipping, to have your order posted directly to you or you can choose the ‘Free To School’ option for your order and it will be sent directly to the school office for you to collect, free of charge. You will receive a ‘ready to collect’ email once the order is here.
My clothing uniform service.
Website: www.myclothing.com
My Clothing Limited is the UK’s largest provider of school wear, offering parents a convenient one-stop shop. They have taken over the Tesco Uniform Embroidery Service and offer Royal Mail shipping so your order is delivered directly to you.
Our uniform consists of a royal blue sweatshirt with the school badge, gold polo shirt, grey/black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress. Shoes should be black; with fastenings your child is able to manage themselves.
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named. Earrings and jewellery should not be worn to school for safety reasons and long hair should be tied back.
Your child will need a school book bag which should come to school every day.
Your child should have a PE kit in school. PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, black/blue shorts and trainers. Please ensure this is all named and in a P.E bag on their pegs.
As we enjoy learning outside in all weathers, please supply your child with a pair of named wellies that they can keep in school and ensure your child has a coat (also named) on their peg. We supply waterproof jackets for use in the mud kitchen and you are free to provide your own waterproof trousers if you would like to for your own child’s use.