At St Mary’s we treat the Safeguarding of ALL children as a priority. Everyone at St. Mary’s Primary School is committed to safeguarding and is responsible for keeping our children safe.
We do this by:
• providing a safe environment for children to thrive;
• identifying children who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm
• taking appropriate action to ensure they are kept safe both at school and at home.
To ensure children are safe we have systems for the purpose:
• preventing unsuitable people working with children
• promoting safe practice and challenge unsafe practice
• effective identification of concerns and initiating or taking appropriate action
• contributing to effective partnerships between all relevant safeguarding services
If you have any concerns about the safety of any child please speak to one of the adults responsible for Safeguarding, please see document below for named responsible people. . If this is not possible for you to speak to one of our safeguarding officers then you can contact the Local Authority’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) using the details below.
A copy of our safeguarding policy, behaviour policy and complaints procedure can be foundalong with all other policies on our policies page by clicking this link.
Staff With Responsibility For Safeguarding of Children
Senior Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Zoe Stevens
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers
Mrs Rachael O’Dell | Miss Claire Stacey | Miss Abbie Brailey |
Miss Michelle Jackson | Mrs Candy Daffern |
Nominated Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding
Front Door
If you are concerned that a child is being abused, or to request Early Help (L3) support you can
call: 0345 155 1071 or
complete the Request for Support online form available at:
The DevonSCP Children’s Front Door consultation line for professionals only: 01392 388428
Emergency Duty Team out of hours 0345 6000 388
Police non-emergency 101
For all LADO enquiries Exeter (01392) 384964
Further info:
Managing allegations - Devon Children and Families Partnership (
Early Help Team
Head of Service: Lise Bird
Early Help Locality Contact information:
Locality Early Help Mailbox
Mid & East:
South & West:
For emergencies outside of office hours please call:
0345 6000 388